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Must Read: 15 Possible Questions You May Come Across During Your Screening Exercise


1.your full name(Your name must be stated the
exact way it is written in your O’level certificate)
2. Which course did you apply for?
Possible reply:
(Don’t tell them the course you wish for, tell
them the course you applied for)

3. What position do you prefer on a team working
on a project?
Possible reply (DE students):
If I’m the team leader it will give me the
opportunity using my leadership skills that I have
learnt with years. I can also do a well as a team
member my skills will help to encourage my
4. Can you recite your O’level and the grades, off
Possible reply:
If you sit for the exam yourself you must know
the result off hand)
5. How do you see yourself in five years from
Possible reply:
I see myself as a successful graduate of
(Compute Science), University of….
6. Do you consider yourself successful?
Possible reply:
Not yet. That’s why I’m here to perform well and
I know I will and that’s when I can say I’m
7. What’s the reason behind choosing this school
Possible reply:
As a standard school, I believe this is the right
place for me to be. Both academically and
character wise, I’d be ready to take up any
challenge in the outside world after 4/5 years
8. What irritates you about your fellow students
Possible reply:
I believe in oneness if I find anything irritating, I
avoid it unless it personally affects me.
. When did you finish your Secondary School?
Possible reply:
(Be very sure the year you will mention
corresponds with the one on your result and
10. What are your expectations from this school?
Possible reply:
Standard educational qualifications, sound
professional advancement and good future.
11. How much can you pay to gain this
Possible reply:
That’s bribery. The only money I can pay now is
my school and registration fees and that will be
into the school designated account.
12. Why have you not gained admission since?
Possible reply:
(1) I have been having challenges with jamb. Or
(2) I already have National Diploma. Or
(3) I already have certificate in computer
appreciation and I also took up a teaching job in
the mean time because idle hand is devils
13. If you discovered that your best friend in
school here is a cultists, what would you do?
Possible reply:
I will report to the appropriate quarters.
14. What’s your advantage over others here?
Possible reply:
I’m a fast learner and I’m obedient.
15. Do you have any questions for us?
Possible reply:.
How did I perform sir/ma?
I came across this so i decided to share

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