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Meet The 4-Year-Old Boy Who Looks Like An Old Pensioner Due To Rare Condition (Photos)


Tragic four-year-old Bayezid Hossain has been born with an incredibly rare condition that has left him looking like an 80-year-old man. The little boy’s condition means he suffers from a swollen face, sagging skin, aching joints and hollow eyes – which he may never find a cure for.

Bayezid, from outside Magura in southern Bangladesh, also has difficulties passing urine and already has weak and broken teeth.
Children in his village, where he is affectionately referred to as ‘old man,’ were afraid to play with him at first – even though his father says he is much smarter than others the same age.
His devastated parents have been told Bayezid is unlikely to live past the age of 15 due to rare condition Progeria and Cutis Laxa.

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